Shipping great products
Building successful teams
January 07, 2025
Szymon Koper
React Native developer
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Stale Callback Values in React: a Timer Example
React hooks make managing state simple and predictable. However, when state is used in a closure, such as in a callback function, problems can arise if the state value becomes "stale." This often leads to bugs that are hard to track down, especially…
Should you learn React Native?
Wojciech Ogrodowczyk
Software developer
January 09, 2017
To persist or not to persist
Marek Waligórski
Software Developer
December 21, 2016
Implementing iOS Push Notifications with Pusher and React Native
Mobile application development studio
November 21, 2016
Successful Product Development, part 4: Working with your team
November 02, 2016
Speed of the Internet — Funny and Nostalgic Content Inside
Patryk Peszko
Co Founder
October 18, 2016
Successful Product Development, part 2: Feature Creep
October 10, 2016
Successful Product Development, part 3: Planning
What’s Redux Anyway? — React Native Barcelona talk by Giorgio Polvara — Video Recording and Slides
October 06, 2016
Successful Product Development, part 1: Defining Success
October 05, 2016
How to stay sane and remove strings from NSNotificationCenter
August 15, 2016
Remote workers data in danger — protect yourself now
August 04, 2016
React Native Keyboard Handling Tips
July 04, 2016
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