Supercharging your console logs in React Native

November 21, 2018

A common piece of folk wisdom says you can divide the programmers into two groups: those that use debuggers and those that prefer to sprinkle printf (or console.log if they do JavaScript) statements over their code like magic pixie dust.

I think there’s a lot of value in both of these approaches and they both have their place. Simply outputting the value of a variable in a particular place using a console.log statement is great for confirming your suspicions when you think you know where the problem lies, while debuggers are great for those long sessions when you have no clue what’s going on.

In this post I’m not trying to tell you which one is better, nor repeat what’s already mentioned in the official docs, but rather share some techniques I use daily when working with React Native code that help me keep my debugging sessions quick and simple. I hope you’ll find something here that will help you save a couple of minutes on this most common programming task!

Displaying complex objects

When you’re trying to see what’s inside an object or an array, it quickly gets tiring clicking those tiny arrows to see details. Instead, you could use console.table to have those visible straight away and with a much nicer representation!

Source: MDN

Tip: displaying as a table works best for simple objects — arrays or maps / dictionaries / hashes. If you have nested objects this method of presentation gets cluttered and much less readable.

Switching Chrome for Reactotron

Personally, I don’t use Chrome much and it pains me to run it just to be able to see the debugging logs I’m adding to my application. Instead, I use Reactotron to display my logs.

If you don’t know what Reactotron is and you’d prefer to see a convincing pitch rather than play with it yourself, there’s a whole conference talk about it. I use it as my remote debugging tool of choice for almost two years now mostly because of the following features:

  • Shared timeline that displays all the actions as they’re being dispatched, all the network connections and my debugging logs
  • Ability to quickly check the context of my Redux store

As for the logs themselves, you can still just use basic Reactotron logging that works similar like a console.log would, but you can also go a step further and take advantage of its custom system to get even more out of it.

Displaying custom objects

Using Reactotron you’re not constrained to just sending console.log and console.warn (in case you didn’t know the latter one, it stands out more) equivalents, but you can fully customise the experience. For example, in my app that shows random Marvel superheroes I could get a log that looks like that:

Agent Brand, for any brand emergency.

And the code responsible for it is really simple and customisable:

const data =[0];
name: "Superhero loaded",
value: data,
preview: "Click for details: " +,
image: data.thumbnail.path + "." + data.thumbnail.extension,

Easier logging from VS Code

If you’re like most of React Native developers nowadays, you probably use Visual Studio Code as your code editor of choice. In that case, you can make your experience of adding logs really easy using the Turbo Console Log extension. See it in action:

Tip: the shortcut for inserting the logs is ctrl + alt + l (letter L, like lettuce), not ctrl + alt + I (letter I, like iguana) 🤦‍♂️

Final word

Is that all? Of course not! It’s just a couple of tips to get more value out of the console.log that you use for debugging your app. There’s so much more to debugging than that!

Useful links to try if you want to read more:

Finally, you should watch this space. We’ll publish soon another article that focuses on tips for working efficiently with a debugger in VS Code 💪

Happy hacking!

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Blog author: Wojciech Ogrodowczyk

Wojciech Ogrodowczyk

Software developer

Happy puzzle phone

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